Our guiding principals
Blue Daisy Maids & Cleaning Service of Austin is a locally owned, non-franchised residential maid service. We know that our success is based upon two enduring principals.
1) Our customers must be continually satisfied with their cleanings.
2) Our Maids must be well compensated and happy in their work environment.
We strive to make every cleaning superior to that of any of our competition and we back that with our 100% Guarantee.
Our maids are our lifeblood. We believe that they are the best in the industry and we also believe they deserve to be compensated well. To those end, we believe our maids are the best compensated in the industry.
House cleaning is neither easy nor fun. Were it, you would not be hiring us. It is difficult, monotonous and often times, strenuous work.
Our hats go off and our hearts go out to these warriors of the mop and vacuum.
Gratuities are appreciated for their outstanding work!!!
Thank you, our loyal customers for helping us grow!
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